发布日期:2019/5/6 16:38:32 | 浏览次数:24271 来源:深圳市尊龙凯时小梅沙投资有限公司
International Consultation for Detailed Planning of Xiaomeisha Coastal Zone, Shenzhen
主办方 :深圳市盐田区人民政府
Host: Yantian District Government, Shenzhen
技术指导单位 :深圳市规划和自然资源局 (深圳市海洋渔业局)
Technical Advisor :Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government(Shenzhen municipal Marine Fisheries Service)
承办单位 :深圳市尊龙凯时集团有限公司
Organizer: Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd.
Co-organizer: Shenzhen Center for Public Art (Shenzhen Center for Design)
1. 项目区位 Project locations
小梅沙位于深圳市东部黄金海岸线 ,东临大鹏新区 ,西侧紧邻大梅沙 ,北为马峦山郊野公园 ,南临大鹏湾 ,距深圳福田中心区仅28公里 。片区三山环绕 ,一面临海 ,拥有优良的沙滩、礁石 、海底珊瑚等自然资源和宽阔的海岸建设腹地 ,是距离深圳市中心区最近 、天然沙滩环境品质最佳 ,集旅游 、度假 、休闲 、会议 、餐饮等功能于一体的综合性海滨旅游度假区 ,高峰期日接待游客量逾三万人次 ,享有“东方夏威夷”之美誉 。
Located at the eastern golden coastline of Shenzhen, Xiaomeisha borders Dapeng New District on the east, Dameisha on the west, Maluanshan Natural Park on the north, and Dapeng Bay on the south, only 28 km from Central Futian District. Surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing the sea, Xiaomeisha boasts gorgeous natural resources of beaches, rocks, corals and extensive hinterland for coastal construction. It is a comprehensive coastal tourism resort the nearest to downtown Shenzhen, integrating tourism, vocation, entertainment, conferences and catering, and enjoying the best natural beach environment. Receiving over 30,000 visits each day during the peak season, Xiaomeisha is acclaimed as “the Oriental Hawaii”.
新海洋时代下 ,小梅沙海岸带将结合全新用海方式的探索 ,综合统筹陆海资源配置 ,策动整体升级改造 ,以期实现从传统滨海旅游区向世界级都市型滨海旅游度假区的角色跃升 。其创新实践将为国家加强山海自然资源统一管理提供先锋示范 ,形成可借鉴 、可参考的海岸带设计样本 。
In the new oceanic era, Xiaomeisha will probe into new ways of ocean development, balance the allocations of land and ocean resources, and launch overall upgrading and improvement, in a bid to transform its role from a traditional coastal recreational area to a world-class metropolitan coastal tourism resort. Its innovative practice will set an example for the country to intensify efforts on unified management of mountain and ocean resources and provide a fair design reference for other coastal zones.
图1 深圳市区位图
Fig.1 locations Map of Shenzhen
图2 小梅沙区位图
Fig.2 locations Map of Xiaomeisha
2. 规划范围 Planning Scope
本次规划范围包括两个层次 ,即总体规划研究范围和详细规划设计范围 。
The planning scope is defined at two levels, namely, the scope of overall planning research and the scope of detailed planning.
(1)总体规划研究范围 :包含小梅沙海岸带和陆域两部分 ,总面积约383公顷 ,其中海岸带面积约157公顷 ,陆域面积约226公顷 。本次规划就陆海全域提出总体规划思路和空间结构 ,就海岸带地区开展详细规划 。
(1)Scope of overall planning research: the research covers two parts: the coastal zone and the land area of Xiaomeisha , totaling about 383 hectares, of which the coastal zone extends about 157 hectares and the land area 226 hectares. It is expected to provide overall planning idea and spatial structure for both parts and detailed planning for the coastal zone.
(2)详细规划设计范围 :聚焦于小梅沙海岸带(红线区域) ,由海域及海岸陆域建设管控区两部分构成 ,总面积约157公顷 。其中海域面积约141公顷 ,包含沙滩(黄色区域)与海面(蓝色区域)两部分 ,沙滩包含长约800m的砂质岸线 ;海岸陆域建设管控区面积约16公顷(紫色区域) 。蓝色实线为海岸线 ,蓝色虚线为沙滩与海洋边界线 。
(2)Scope of detailed planning: the detailed planning focuses on Xiaomeisha coastal zone (as marked by the red line), which is composed of sea area and coastal land construction control area, totaling about 157 hectares. The sea area is about 141 hectares, including beach (yellow area, containing an 800m long sandy coastline) and sea (blue area); the coastal land construction control zone is about 16 hectares (purple area). The blue solid line means coastline and the blue dotted line beach-sea demarcation line.
图3 规划范围图
Fig.3 Planning Scope
3. 工作目标Work Objectives
本次国际咨询希望引入国际化的视野 、前瞻性的思维 、创新的设计理念 ,结合小梅沙优越的山--海--城资源 ,探索陆海空间统筹 、生态保育以及海洋旅游开发的新范式 ,为小梅沙陆海全域提供空间发展总体思路 、为海岸带地区提供详细规划设计方案 ,树立中国海洋生态保育与新型用海开发的示范标杆 。具体工作目标如下 :
This international consultation is intended to bring in international horizon, forward-looking thoughts and innovative concepts. Design firms are expected to, in consideration of Xiaomeisha’s prominent mountain-sea-city resources, explore a new paradigm for coordinated land and marine development as well as ecological conservation and marine tourism development, and provide overall spatial development idea for both the land and sea areas of Xiaomeisha and detailed planning for its coastal zone, setting an example for China’s marine ecology conservation and novel ocean development. The specific objectives are as the following:
(1) 通过发展趋势的研判及山海城资源条件的梳理 ,明确小梅沙陆海全域整体空间发展框架 。
(1)Through the investigation and judgment on the development trend and a review on the mountain, sea and urban conditions of Xiaomeisha, clarify the overall framework for the spatial development of its land and sea areas ;
(2)重点完成海岸带规划设计 ,策划研究该区域未来发展的项目及活动 ,描绘国际顶尖的 、符合地区用海要求的近海陆域及海域立体空间发展蓝图 ,提供具有可操作性的系统规划方案 ,为下一步规划实施提供详细设计指引 ;
(2) Focus on the planning of the coastal zone, plan the future projects and activities in the area, work out a world’s top multi-level (coastal land area and sea area) space development blueprint that fits the regional marine utilization requirements, and provide a viable systemic planning scheme, so as to offer detailed design instructions for further planning implementation;
(3)提出设计范围内未来发展项目的合理容量 、运营模式建议 ,对其进行初步投资收益分析 ,保障项目经济可行 ;同时结合海域规划 ,针对陆域与海域相关联部分提出开发建设指引及配套要求 ,陆海统筹发展 。
(3)Propose reasonable capacity and operation modes for the future projects within the design scope and conduct an initial analysis on the return of investment, in order to ensure the cost effectiveness of the project; based on the planning of the sea area, put forward development instructions and supporting facility requirements for the land and sea associated part to realize coordinated development between the two.
4. 报名要求Requirements for Registration
本次国际咨询采取公开报名的方式 ,国内外设计机构均可报名参加本次国际咨询 。
This Consultation is open to public registration by all international and local design firms.
允许联合体报名 ,不接受个人及个人组合的报名 。联合体各方不得再单独以自己名义 ,或者与另外的设计机构组成联合体参加此次国际咨询 ;法定代表人为同一个人的两个及两个以上法人 ,母公司 、全资子公司及其控股公司 ,不得同时报名参赛。
Registration by consortia is allowed but individuals or groups comprising individuals will be rejected. Any member of a consortium is not allowed to additionally register as an individual firm or joint another consortium at the same time for this Consultation; two or more corporations, parent companies, wholly-owned subsidiaries and holding companies with the same legal representative are not allowed to register simultaneously.
咨询团队构成中需要有规划建筑 、海洋生态 、海洋工程 、旅游策划等相关领域的专业成员 。
The consultation team should have professionals in urban planning, architecture, marine ecology, ocean engineering and tourism planning.
5. 时间安排Schedule
本次国际咨询包括“资格预审及概念提案” 、“国际咨询”两个阶段 。计划在全球范围内公开征集设计机构参与咨询 ,由专家评审委员会对报名的设计机构进行资格预审 ,并对提交的概念提案进行评审 ,从中择优选取6家设计机构入围参与下一阶段国际咨询 。
This international consultation includes two stages: "prequalification and concept proposal" and "international consultation". An international open call will be organized to attract applicants from all over the world. The expert committee will prequalify the applicants, evalsuate the submitted conceptual proposals, and shortlist six participants for the subsequent international consultation.
6家入围设计机构按规定提交正式设计成果后 ,组织召开专家评审会 ,由专家及主办方代表组成评审委员会 ,对6家机构提交的国际咨询成果进行评审排名 。
After the six participants submit their formal submissions by rule, an expert evalsuation meeting will be organized. The evalsuation committee formed by experts and the organizer representatives will evalsuate and rank these submissions.
具体安排详见下表 :
Specific arrangement are as below:
阶段 Phase |
时间 Deadline |
事项 Activities |
第一阶段 设计机构征集 Phase 1: Design Firm Screening |
2019年5月5日 May 5, 2019 |
发布正式公告 Release of official announcement |
2019年7月8日17:00前 By 17:00, 8, 2019 |
提交电子报名资料(报名文件及概念提案) ,报名截止 Submission of electronic registration materials (registration documents and conceptual proposal), closing of registration
2019年7月12日17:00前 By 17:00, 12, 2019 |
提交纸质报名资料 Submission of the hard copies of registration documents |
2019年7月中旬(暂定) Mid July 2019 (tentative) |
由资格预审委员会对报名材料进行资格预审 ,择优选取6家设计机构入围 Assessment of the registration materials by the Prequalification Committee to shortlist 6 design firms. |
第二阶段 方案设计 Phase 2: Schematic Design |
2019年7月30日 July 30, 2019 |
组织踏勘 、答疑 Site visit and Q&A |
2019年8月16日 Aug. 16, 2019 |
书面提交答疑问题截止时间 Deadline for written questions |
2019年9月26日17:00前 By 17:00, Sep. 26, 2019 |
提交设计成果 Submission of design proposals |
2019年10月中旬(暂定) Mid Oct. 2019 (tentative) |
召开方案评审会 Proposal evalsuation meeting |
注 :以上时间以北京时间为准 ,主办方保留调整日程安排的权利 。
Note: All the time and dates are shown in Beijing Time. The organizer reserves the right of changing the schedule.
6. 咨询奖励 Rewards
第一名获得奖励人民币伍佰万元整(小写¥5,000,000.00元) ,含后期整合费用人民币贰佰万元整(小写¥2,000,000.00元) ;
First place winner will be rewarded RMB Five Million (in figure: ¥5,000,000.00), including subsequent proposal consolidation fee of RMB Two Million (in figure: ¥2,000,000.00);
第二名获得奖励人民币壹佰伍拾万元整(小写¥1,500,000.00元) ;
Second place winner will be rewarded RMB One Million and Five Hundred Thousand (in figure: ¥1,500,000.00);
第三名获得奖励人民币壹佰贰拾万元整(小写¥1,200,000.00元) ;
Third place winner will be rewarded RMB One Million and Two Hundred Thousand (in figure: ¥1,200,000.00);
其他入围设计机构(3名)分别获得奖励人民币捌拾万元整(小写¥800,000.00元) 。
Other finalists (3 firms) will each be rewarded RMB Eight Hundred Thousand (in figure: ¥800,000.00).